Am I feeling carnation pink, electric lime, or pine green?

Have you ever noticed that kids are curious? Overwhelmingly so. Life is a big adventure full of unlearned knowledge and endless questions.  I remember in first grade I stuck a crayon way up my nose, just to see what would happen. What happened is it got stuck.  Until we figured out we could block the other nostril and air-power it out of there.  I don’t think my mom ever heard that story, come to think of it – let’s keep it that way.  But I do believe that’s the only time I ever tried that trick.

But we aren’t kids forever, and eventually we grow up. And somewhere along the way we learn limits. Boundaries. Social norms. And fear. Our decision-making process changes and we don’t necessarily believe we can build a rocket ship in the back yard anymore.

This became apparent to me a while back, when I noticed that I was making decisions based on what I feared least more than what I wanted the most. In other words, I would look at two options and choose which path I feared the least instead of which direction I wanted to go the most. Does it sound like a subtle difference? It’s not. I’ll go out on a limb and say it’s a dangerous one. It’s an entirely different mindset.

The choice you make may end up being the same either way, but not likely. Too many times we make decisions to avoid being uncomfortable – we frame things negatively. For instance: I am uncomfortable flying, but I love to travel. Two decision-making processes – two different outcomes. I want to try new ventures…..that have the potential for failure.  I want to be more vulnerable…..that could backfire on me. Changing my mindset changes the entire way I make decisions.

So here is my goal: to make decisions based on what I desire more – not based on what I fear the least. To move to a mindset of freedom; of positive energy. To a life of curiosity and peace; of jumping into the universe with my eyes wide open. Because if I or we focus more on the potential mess-ups and failures in life, we will never reach the levels of creativity or live the adventures that we could. If we let our fears become bigger than our possibilities, our world gets smaller.

So here’s my question for you: Do you make decisions based on what might not work out – or what great things could happen? Do you find yourself making decisions more out of fear or faith….of positive or negative energy? Live a little more freely, more abundantly, more curiously – and stick a few more crayons up your nose this week.

Kinda is an author, teacher, speaker, entrepreneur, and hopeless wanderer. Her favorite places in the world include Manarola, Italy, and Gimmelwald, Switzerland. In her free time, you can find her bargain shopping and hanging out at coffee shops.

One comment on “Am I feeling carnation pink, electric lime, or pine green?
  1. Nick says:

    The Biggest difference is, as a child you wonder ‘What would happen if…” then you try it, as you ‘grow up’ you’re taught that that’s a dangerous question, and instead should think “What would go wrong if…” and then to think about it rather than doing anything. We, the so called adults, need to stop thinking about every possible outcome in a situation, and just start doing things, that is where lifes adventures lie

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